Medway River Lit Festival

Come and join us on Saturday, November 16th for the Medway River Lit Festival.

Meet our talented authors in person, discuss their books and future projects, and get your hands on signed copies of their works. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to connect with our fantastic writers and immerse yourself in the world of literature. See you there!

✊ Samantha Fitzgibbons is a professional copywriter and author, much of her writing reflects real-life issues such as mental illness, largely based on her own experiences with anxiety. Her debut novel, 'Happy State' is set in a dystopian world where mental illness is eradicated, a premise that she based upon her personal struggles.

🎮 Colin R Parsons is a children’s and Young Adult fiction author from the Rhondda Valley in South Wales, UK. He loves many genres, including Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Supernatural, and Steampunk. In 2020, he was fortunate enough to join the ranks of Crystal Peake Publishing. They accepted his submission, “The Gamer,” which received great feedback and sold many copies. He loves his job. If you want to know more about Colin and his books, please visit his website.

🎸 Charlotte Byrne is an author and teaching fellow from Chatham. She writes across genres and forms and is currently working on her PhD project, which is a novel exploring the experiences of queer Catalan women during the Spanish Civil War. Her debut novel 'Folked Up' was published by Crystal Peake in 2020.

🧚 Rosa Carr's YA fantasy novel is entitled 'Air Fay'. Rosa has also contributed and helped self-publish two anthologies with her writing group.

To find out more about the Medway River Lit Festival, head over to their website.