Crystal Peake Blog

World Book Day 2021 – CP Lit Fest

It is #WorldBookDay today and we have been having some fantastic offers this week. At 7pm we will be airing a special Crystal Peake Lit Fest video staring some of our fantastic authors on our Facebook page and our Youtube channel. Now grab the following books while you can.

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Crystal Peake Blog

Folked Up Events

With the release of Folked Up coming up, we are excited for Charlotte’s first book launch with us. You can find all events related to Folked Up just below.

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Winners Announcement

We received more entries for the Folklore Retellings Competition than we had imagined. After several long weeks of reading and deciding which stories we liked the most, and felt fitted best with the competition we have chosen ten wonderful stories. All the authors who have won have been contacted and have signed a contract with us for their story.

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Crystal Peake Blog

March Madness!

We are a quarter of the way through the year. Our next release Deities* is out April 12th, so if you haven’t checked it out yet make sure you do. Alongside the release of Deities, we have the deadline of our Folklore Competition approaching. Please make sure your entry is in on time.

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Competition 2019

The 2019 competition has opened and closes on 12th April, so there’s plenty of time to polish, edit or even WRITE your novel! Submission is super easy – simply use our online portal to enter your details, attach your document and pay the £5 submission fee. For full competition rules and instructions, please see our submissions page.

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Crystal Peake Blog

December’s Update

National November Writing Month, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo, is over and those of you who competed are likely to be polishing up those novels. Here at Crystal Peake, we understand how difficult it is to finish that novel and move on to the next step.

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Crystal Peake Blog

Up and Running

So, we have a website. The site is still slowly growing and we will be posting news and updates as-and-when they appear. Our newsletter will contain information about upcoming events and services which will be available, and there will also be chances to read novels before they are released to the public.

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